I'm a happy girl in a happy world!!:)

5:56 PM

Selamat pagi!!! Biela here!! Ohh!! I dont know why i'm so ceria today! Everyday is a ceria day! Looking back at the past, yeah..I'm a happy girl. I mean I laughed most of the time. Wait, wait, wait. Let me just count how many times I cried in this whole year? Let see..hmmm...8 times!8 times in a whole year? Is that must be something bad? Or is it normal? xpercaye? okay, i'll prove it!

Biela crying list 2009

1. SPM (yes I cried for that)
2. Frustrated xdpt maktab! (I think this it the worst cried! I can hardly breathe!)
3. Leaving my family n Ipoh.( Its just sad okay??)
4. I got fever the other day.( I guess I was so pressured!)haha;p
5. Break up. ( I didn't cry so long! waste of crap!)
6. Naim's accident. ( I cried like everytime i see him.)
7. Naim's accident. ( On the bus)
8. Picking up naim's stuff after the accident!

Now u believe me?
hahaha.;P Sometimes i really think that I should cry a lot. But, I just cant. In some way, I will laugh just maybe for some small little things. Kadang-kadang x lawak pun. But I can laughed about it! Am I crazy? hahaha;p Nak jadi emo. naahh..I can't. Tgk org yg dress up emo pn I can laugh!hahahaha..(bad biela! bad biela!) Entahla! sometimes my laughter disease should stop! u think? or maybe slow it down a little? haihhh..haha;p

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